Hot chip tortilla

Hot chip tortilla

Servings: 4
One of my fondest memories from our San Sebastian honeymoon (a decade ago!!) was kicking the day off with a big slab of potato tortilla (and wrapping it with a big slice of Basque cheesecake). A frittata by another name, these tortillas would be started hours in advance, the potatoes washed, peeled, sliced, cooked, onions patiently sweated, the eggs baked just-so. It’s all delicious, but also… FUSSY! Enter: Hot Chip Tortilla! Not only is this a one-pan recipe that’s just as tasty as the original whilst being quicker, it’s also a really great way of using up one of our most wasted foods: hot chips! Next time you’re out for a pub or bistro meal, notice how often the proportion of chips on the plate far outweighs the inclination to eat them. Chips are a cheap plate filler, that regularly end up being swooshed into the scrap bin. Instead, ask to take the rest home, and make this with them! If you’re sans hot chips but keen on a short-cut, some chunky frozen chips are also an option.


  • 2 brown onions diced
  • 750 g leftover hot chips or frozen ones!
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp freshly cracked pepper
  • 1 ½ tsp salt flakes plus extra for sprinkling
  • 10 eggs


  • Line a medium baking tray (the same one you’re going to cook the tortilla in). Pop onion, oil and ½ tsp salt into the pan and mix about to coat. Whack into your oven and crank the temperature to 160℃ (140℃ fan). Place a timer on for 20 mins, check and mix about at the 10 minute mark - if your oven’s a little quick to heat, pop some foil over the top to keep it from burning.
  • Meanwhile, in a medium bowl mix together the eggs with the rest of the salt and the pepper. When the onions are softened and translucent, pull the tray out of the pan and add in the chips (frozen or leftover!) mix about and then pour over the prepped egg mixture to cover.
  • Pop back into the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes, or until the egg has just set.
  • Pull out of the oven and turn out - or serve right out of the tray, finishing with a sprinkle of salt. Serve with salsa or chutney.

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